A Tiroler Zugspitzbahn
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B Gletscherbahn
gesloten in voorbereiding open
Museum Zugspitze
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gesloten in voorbereiding open
gesloten in voorbereiding open
gesloten in voorbereiding open

"The Snow Crystal" – is the name of this fascinating exhibition. Snow is very important for us here in the Alps, and especially in Tirol, as it is vital for tourism and winter sports and even during the close season it influences the lives of the people living here.

Diversity of snow crystals

There is something very special about a snow covered winter landscape in the mountains. Our fascination with the white splendour goes into the tiniest details of the formation of the snow crystals. Wether it be a snow flake, or in the ice streams of the Alps, it is mutlifaceted in appearance and, as the fifth element, is regarded as the most miraculous material in our universe.


Clouds can be very turbulent

Each individual snowflake is shaped by temperature, the water vapour content of the cloud and the wind. Over the years researchers have recognised that snow crystals change their shape depending on the temperature! There are only two other exhibitions in the world dedicated to snow crystals, one being in Japan and the other in the USA.

A steel and glass construction already existed at the mountain station of the Tiroler Zugspitzbahn and this hexagonally shaped building at 3,000 meters was the perfect place to give snow a new home.

the exhibition is presented using exciting new media.


Glass Pyramid

An upside down glass pyramid shows the different shaped snow crystals that fall at different temperatures, and these crystals float freely within the pyramid and are visible from all sides.



A conical kaleidoscope displays a variety of the crystal shapes that grow on the earths‘ surface (frost, sugar snow, ice needles) they are displayed on a mirrored 3D sphere resembling an ice planet


Snow crystals

Snow crystals are displayed as enlarged models (made of acrylic) throughout the exhibition and open up the invisible world of a crystal to the visitor.


The snow crystal thermometer

The snow crystal thermometer is the central element of the exhibition and is built around the column supporting the glass pyramid. Here are displayed many of the snow crystal shapes which occur at different temperatures, hung individually to form a curtain on a snow crystal journey of discovery where no two snow crystals are the same.

Useful Information

  • Facts about the history of the discovery of ice crystals from Keppler to the electron microscope are presented on the small ice floes.
  • The basics regarding the formation of the icey macro world are also clearly explained.
  • The infinite varities of snow and ice are displayed in exciting 3D graphics.


Free entry for all guests!


Not wheelchar acdessible (stairway). 

The museum is planned and designed by the team idee Concept & Exhibition Engineering GmbH